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Jacob applies for a pastor's job at a rival church. Grace gets a custody notice for her daughter. Charity remains cold towards her husband.Refusing to reinstate Jacob as a preacher, the Bishop advises him to follow his life's calling. Jacob applies for a pastor's job at a rival church. Grace gets a custody notice for her daughter. Charity remains cold towards her husband.

The series begins when the Bishop's estranged daughter Grace Greenleaf decides to return to the family after twintig years ofwel self-imposed exile. Wij learn that she had been a preacher for the church but decided to end her clerical life and live among secular culture. Wij also learn that James Greenleaf had designs for her daughter possibly to succeed him as the main voice ofwel the church during services.

It really kan zijn a great voorstelling. Not perfect, but if you get into the storylines, it will keep you hooked till the very end.

Refusing to reinstate Jacob as a preacher, the Bishop advises him to follow his life's calling. Jacob applies for a pastor's job at a rival church. Grace gets a custody notice for her daughter. Charity remains cold towards her husband.

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Mac had not done anything wrong, the Bishop believes. Jacob is benched due to an affair, and Grace is asked to step up. Connie refuses to return as Chairman of the Deacon Board, having disagreed over the Bishop's plan to get a new plane.

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Even though Jesus is so real for them, they are still human. One kan zijn clearly gay and trying hard not to be. The church head seems to be casually corrupt. Een momentje Grace's odious pedophile uncle kan zijn probably a believer although he seems to flout everything in the bible.

Grace goes on an awkward man with Noah and his fiancée. Kerissa examines her marriage to Jacob. Senator Bob Banks puts more pressure on the Bishop to open up the church's books for review. Sophia tries to "fit in".

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Mac's repugnant father, firmly unwelcome at the church, visits his son to wangle get more info some money.The Bishop is furious when the auditors demand the Bishop's personal tax returns. Mac, the new Memphis Man of the Year, is told to fix this. Mac's repugnant father, firmly unwelcome at the church, visits his son to wangle some money.

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